Englisch | Welche Ziffer passt | ? | Deutsch |
appears | 0 | behandelt | |
country | 1 | darauf | |
has | 2 | erscheint | |
instead of | 3 | hat | |
probably | 4 | Land | |
rather | 5 | Panzer | |
rooms | 6 | Räumen | |
tank | 7 | sondern | |
thereon | 8 | statt | |
treated | 9 | wahrscheinlich |
Google-Bildersuche | Langenscheidt-Übersetzung |
appears | erscheint |
country | Land |
has | hat |
instead of | statt |
probably | wahrscheinlich |
rather | sondern |
rooms | Räumen |
tank | Panzer |
thereon | darauf |
treated | behandelt |